If you don't have a certain supply, you can always substitute to make it work for you and your classroom. These activities use basic materials that you probably have on hand, such as number cards, dice, spinners, ten frames, craft supplies, and blocks. From sorting, building, matching, and playing games, students will love learning more about numbers. When it comes to counting and number activities, it is important to give students opportunities to use different manipulatives, materials, and styles of activities.
The good news is, counting activities for kindergarten are a lot of fun! Read on for 14 ways that your students can practice numbers in your classroom. Kindergarteners need a lot of practice counting, writing, manipulating, and thinking about numbers.
Having a firm grasp on what numbers look like, what they stand for, and how we use them in the real world is the foundation for building a strong number sense and a lifetime of mathematical learning.